Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome

I learned during the summer of 2023 that my diarrhea was due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Lots of people have it. Mostly staying on top of this annoying disorder is managing diet. I’m taking one prescription drug (Colestipol) and a mixture called Banatrol which is much better than gulping Immodium pills every day. (The Immoedium pills take a jackhammer to get out of the packaging.)

There’s a lot of info on line about IBS diets. Primarily, I have to avoid wheat products and dairy. I substitute Lactaid for milk. I avoid wine (100%) and drink only a few soft drinks.

If you have IBS, you can also get help at the IBS Center.  According to the center, “Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a gastrointestinal disorder that can affect people for a few months, a few years, or for their entire lives. According to statistics, IBS affects around 10% of the population with symptoms ranging from mildly uncomfortable to extremely painful.”

I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday, and he was stunned when I told him that most of the symptoms were gone.
